Blogger’s babble: Exams and my awakened Creative streak

It has been quite some time since my exams and I have begun to notice a sneaky little pattern during every exam- one that shows a relationship (maybe) between creativity and stress, which I have illustrated below:


I don’t really know whether or not studies have been done in this field or not, since I haven’t come across any, but I do think I have a hypothesis as to why this happens with me at least. As always, these creative ideas (anything ranging from sketching, painting, wanting to learn a new musical instrument to distracting, attractive life plans) strike me before or during peak exam time and serve as something which I really look forward to doing. They hence serve as something which distracts me from the negative repetitive thoughts that I might have in those free ‘break time’s when I’m not studying (like “Oh my God, there is SO much to study” or “This subject is going to pull my grades down”). Continue reading